
Design Team: BCA Landscape

The second completed development within the Four Bridges neighbourhood and on the recently completed Tower Road, Hythe is a Grade A office building with waterfront views that achieves BREAAM Excellent accreditation.

The landscape is designed to allow access to the dock edge whilst also integrating seamlessly with the Tower Road streetscape and provides facilities for a continually evolving transport network with a scalable, green-roofed cycle store included and a car park with electric vehicle charging points. The car park area is designed to double up as an events space that can be utilised either by the Hythe building or the adjacent and forthcoming Egerton Village.

Sustainable drainage (SuDS) have also been included to continue the work that has already been achieved on the Tower Road streetscape scheme with all surface water draining either into bio-retention beds or through permeable paving to infiltrate into the ground below. Any excess water during storm events is held and released at a sustainable rate into the dock, rather than the existing drainage network.

Native planting has been included in both the bio-retention beds and meadow areas to increase the site’s contribution to bio-diversity in the neighbourhood.

University of Liverpool Enhancements 

Year of Completion: 2017 – Ongoing

Client: University of Liverpool

Project Team: BCA Landscape

Development of a campus that has a clear identity and adding value to the existing built environment for the benefit of the university, wider community and local ecosystems.

In 2017 Liverpool University published an ambitious £ 1billion Masterplan Estates Strategy to 2026 and beyond. The Masterplan looks to position the University at the heart of the emerging Knowledge Quarter and to carefully weave the campus into the fabric of the city.  It seeks to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who use it.

The masterplan pledge to become a 1,000 tree campus is driving up the quality of the public spaces, and as the various proposals are brought forward, each project is an opportunity to increase active travel, to provide a legacy of biodiversity net gain, to deal responsibly with surface water drainage and to improve the mental and physical well-being of staff students and the local community.

BCA Landscape were commissioned in 2017 to assist the University in the development and delivery of the Masterplan and have also produced all the necessary landscape package information to allow for costing, tendering and construction – working closely with the University of Liverpool Construction Company (Special Projects) Ltd to agree procurement and construction logistics to enable all projects to be built as fast-track efficient packages to minimise disruption to campus life.

We have been the Landscape Architect for all the major campus improvements since that date, which now total over 30 projects, including the School of Law and Social Justice (with Ryder Architects), The School of Architecture (with O’Donnell + Tuomey Architects), Yoko Ono Lennon Centre and Brett Gardens (with Ellis Williams Architects), School of Environmental Science (with Sheppard Robson Architects).

Click here for campus enhancements overview

Active Campus Design with Sport Liverpool

The masterplan also aimed to create an innovative active campus that encourages outdoor exercise, relaxation, and social interaction within a sustainable ‘green’ landscape. A variety of different activities are set within an enriched environment that promotes positive mental and physical well-being for everyone.

This included Sensitively curated and zoned spaces across the campus enhance the sense of community and offer new outdoor opportunities to come together for events, relaxation, learning, sport and play.

Wheatsheaf Walk

Year of Completion: 2021

Budget: £178,000

Client: West Lancashire Council

Project Team: BCA Landscape

Wheatsheaf Walk is a further phase of public realm improvements to Ormskirk Town Centre, following on from Aughton Street (2008) and Moor Street (2015) to create a co-ordinated palette of high quality natural materials that compliment the architecture of this historic market town.

Working in collaboration with both West Lancashire Borough Council (WLBC) and Lancashire County Council, (LCC) a consistent approach has been agreed across the three projects over 12 years.

BCA Landscape worked up to Tender Stage with Ian Brew QS consultancy. The project was delivered on site by WLBC staff, with Arcus Consulting and Contractors Cubby.

The project provides new granite and porphyry paving, granite and timber seating, festoon lighting and planting focussed round a retained artwork pebble mosaic.

Every opportunity was taken to make the adjacent retail and commercial units more accessible from street level.

Lytham Mussel Tank

Year of Completion: 2018

Client: Lytham St Annes Civic society Flyde Borough Council

Project Team: BCA Landscape

The brief evolved through community consultation to celebrate the local fishing industry’s need to cleanse mussels before sending them to market. The design uses strong geometric paving to evoke the original character of low brick plinths (on which the mussel bags were placed) and providing a seafront destination for community enjoyment. Interpretation boards on the (original) perimeter walls summarise the story of the industry and the Ribble estuary, and there are panels of ceramic tiles produced by the local Sixth Form College which illustrate local scenes. Planting areas reflect the local flora using bespoke seed mixes.

West End Gardens 

Year of Completion: 2010

Client: Lancaster City Council , Morecambe Town Council

Project Team: BCA Landscape, Birse Coastal


A major new 1 Ha public park for Morecambe at West End Gardens together with a new 1.5km promenade at Sandylands as part of the £28million coastal defence scheme. The scheme is part of a wider area regeneration initiative by the West End Partnership as developed in full consultation with the local community, and was launched with a community celebration party.
The project was delivered under a partnering arrangement with Lancaster City Council and Birse Civils. BCA Landscape are delighted that the park has become the regular home for the annual Make My Day! FREE festival jam-packed with things to make and do during which the promenade is transformed into a creative theme park for the day.

It is a celebration of making and doing things which brings the community together, particularly focussed on inter-generational activities, which has been running for a number of years.

Colwyn Bay

Year of Completion: 2013 – ongoing

Client: Conwy County Borough Council

Project Team: BCA Landscape, Mott MacDonald

The Colwyn Bay Waterfront Project was initiated to address the poor condition of the existing coastal defences along the waterfront in Colwyn Bay, dating back to the turn of the 20th century.

BCAL were invited by engineers Mott Macdonald to join their coastal team working with Conwy County Borough Council in 2013 to provide public realm design as part of a £30million coastal storm defence scheme to provide long lasting and effective coastal protection for the town and its inhabitants.

The opportunity was taken to both protect the community and its infrastructure, and also enhance it, by creating a 3km stretch of the promenade from Splashpoint to Rhos-on-Sea that would attract both local residents and visitors. The works have provided a boost to the local economy, as well as multiple health and environmental benefits.

An extensive range of bespoke elements around health, active travel, sport, play, artwork, green infrastructure and biodiversity improvements have been delivered, with further phases in development for delivery in 2022.

A-Y of Manx

Year of Completion: 2013

Client: The Douglas development partnership, The department of infrastructure

Project Team: BCA Landscape

The A-Y of Manx is an artwork commissioned by Douglas Development Partnership, funded by the Town and Village Regeneration Scheme and driven forward by the Douglas Regeneration Committee. The artwork illustrates 24 subjects related to the Isle of Man, some of which are well-known and obvious such a “Manx Cats”, “TT” and “Kippers” and some which are a little more obscure such as the “Giant Elk” and “Ogham”.

The Natural Stone Awards, held once every two years, recognise excellence in the natural stone industry. The judges said:

‘The stonework brings brightness and light into the heart of the Island’s capital. The results are already lifting and enhancing the area, instilling pride and commitment across a diverse range of retailers’.

Liverpool Connectivity – Lime Street

Year of Completion: 2022

Client: Liverpool City Council

Project Team: BCA Landscape | AMEY 


Liverpool Lime Street is considered the gateway to Liverpool, greeted by a confusing labyrinth of roads which are both difficult and dangerous to cross. The project aimed to resolve this issue by reorganising the way people move about the city with an emphasis on cycling, walking and trees.

Pedestrians and cyclists have been given greater priority and space whilst respecting the historical importance of the site. The scheme is surrounded by Grade I, II & II* listed buildings therefore a more conservative approach was required.

The project included over 30+ trees, 675m of segregated cycleways (linking to Liverpool’s wider cycle network), wider footpaths for safer pedestrian movements and encouragement of outdoor cafe seating. Reduced traffic signals/movement to improve the flow of traffic which in turn helps with air quality. New open public spaces for day to day activities as well as for larger public events which St Georges Hall is renowned for.

North Bank Green, Wirral Waters

Local Authority partner: Wirral Council

Design Team: BCA Landscape, Shed KM

Funding: Peel L&P & Homes England


The Vision

To create a new, highly sustainable, useable, exemplar ‘village green’ that is ‘of Wirral’ and sits at the heart of the residentially led North bank neighbourhood regeneration area in Wirral Waters.  The south facing [1/2 acre] waterside North bank Green has been designed to be the focal and congregation point for a new emerging community.

It also serves to open up the waterside to the wider public – an area that has been inaccessible since the Docks were built. North bank Green sits between the Belong Extra Care Village and the Urban Splash / Peel L&P East Float housing scheme – both of which are now on site.

We are thrilled to reveal this ground-breaking new NET Climate-Positive neighbourhood park on Wirral Waters, inspired by the fascinating history of the area and the latest thinking on sustainable ‘nature based’ design solutions.

“The new public realm and green spaces now installed along North bank gives prospective residents and investors their first glimpse of the dramatic improvements we’re making to regenerate the dockland area and the quality of the residential neighbourhood being delivered.” – Richard Mawdsley, Director of Development for Peel L&P’s Wirral Waters

1 – Utilising integrated ‘nature based’ design solutions to help society adapt to climate change, reduce flood risk whilst simultaneously enhancing the environment.

2 –   A whole new ‘green’ site ecology created from a derelict contaminated site – with 90 new trees and 1000’s of new plants, including a wide range of native species.

3 – Creating a site-specific unique design narrative and aesthetic inspired by the location and its rich industrial history.

4 – Up-cycling of materials from the dockland site, creating a rich material palette and saving on raw materials and avoiding unnecessary waste.

Please see a pdf download link to further details and images below.

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